Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Module 6: Poetry By Children

I Spy
By Erica P.

Introduction: Begin this writing activity by reading an I Spy book by Jean Marzollo. Reread it a second time while tapping out the beat with your hands in order to catch the rhythmic pattern. Explain to the students that today they will be writing their own I Spy rhyme based upon as assortment of I Spy books available. Students will choose their own book and together discuss the rhyme scheme. There are four lines to the riddle. Notice that the rhyming words are at the end of the lines. Discuss the pattern of the rhyme (the first two lines rhyme and then the last two lines rhyme...aabb pattern). Notice the punctuation style. Where are the commas, semicolon, and uppercase letters? Together pick a page to compose a class I Spy poem.

Encourage students to blindly pick a page from the book to use as a visual guide. Provide a sticky note in which to cover the authors words at the bottom of the page. Attempt to write a new I Spy poem of their own.

I Spy

I Spy a compass, a check, and a cracker,
A pen, a pretzel, and a pretty protractor;

A sprinkle, a wallet, a kernel of corn,
A leaf, and a bottle cap for babies newborn.

Extension: Allow time at the end of this exercise for each student to present their poems in front of the class while showing the page in the I Spy book that was used. If time permits, showcase these poems in the room and allow students to search for the items in the book while continuing to hide the author's true word.

"I Spy" by Erika P., age 12, Holy Cross Christian Academy, Burleson, TX.

I Spy poems. Retrieved on April 22, 2009 from

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